Food Coop Shopping *with* kids
So this little blog has been a bit neglected. I have been writing, but for the Coop Voice, an online newsletter by members and for members of the Honest Weight Food Cooperative in Albany NY, where our family shops. My plan has been to post the articles here once they were published in the Voice, but ah life, you have a way of side tracking such plans. I would like to promise more writing shows up here soon, not just from articles I wrote, but from musings and reflections and tutorials just for Growing Peas and Justice. Indeed my head is FULL of such musings most hours of each day. If only they could go from my brain straight to this blog all organized with pictures and ready for me to hit 'publish'. Ah well, until then, friends, accept my occasional attempts at offering my insights and our experiences here as time allows.
Here is a post from last June about shopping with kids. A year later and I am still shopping with 5 kids each week!
Here is a post from last June about shopping with kids. A year later and I am still shopping with 5 kids each week!
Shopping at coop with kids – June 5, 2017
By Meghan Breen
If you have kids, perhaps you don’t bring your kids grocery shopping
because you love and crave the alone time to focus on the task at hand. That is
totally cool. We all need to build peaceful moments into our day. Perhaps you
don’t because the idea of it is overwhelming. Well, that I can help you with!
If you shop at the coop, specifically on a Wednesday, you have probably seen my
family. A semi-frazzled mom (depending on the day – we all have our better
days!) and a gaggle of kids. We are a homeschooling family of five kids, and
since the beginning, the kids have come with me to shop for food. We have
always tried to get the majority of our food at the coop. I have been able to
do that by shopping sales, getting a ton of our food in the bulk food section,
and by co-leading a group (that my kids also come to) so that I can earn hours
to get a discount. Given all of that, it is actually cheaper shopping at the
Coop than conventional supermarkets!
Yes, it is work. Yes, it would be easier to go on my own in
the evening or on the weekend. Yet, we still do it. Why? Well because food is
central to life. And having our kids experience all aspects of managing daily
life around food – from planting and tending it in their own gardens to
planning out meals and then finding items on the shelves of the store, from
planning out meals and budgeting (look for sale items, kids! And coupons!) to
the preparation of the meals – it is important to us that they are involved in
the process.
Here are ways to make it a bit easier, and even fun.
Meal planning
This part happens before we even leave. On Sunday we pour
through cookbooks, some we own and some we get out of the library. We pick out
a few meals. Look through the ingredients. Figure out which one everyone might
like the most, which ones we have at least some of the ingredients for, which
ones have non-specialty (ie: not too expensive and can be used again!)
ingredients. We even try to factor in local and seasonal items which means they
have to *know* what grows locally and in which season. Then they will write out the ingredients (spelling
and printing skills! Oh wait, this is not a quarterly report to the school
district! But a nice reminder that learning happens all the time.)
At the Coop
The kids have been doing this so long that it has become
routine. The beauty of that is there is a built-in plan and they are in it for
the long haul. They know what to expect. I will share some of our routine, but
creating your own would be really important. (Note: as you are budgeting your
trip, consider adding expenses for little things for them and maybe taking
something out – like a nice but maybe pricey item that you don’t really need –
so that you can freely create space for ‘treats’ for the kids and not stress
about the budget.)
Create opportunities for independence. If they are under 9
or 10, they stay with you and can get their own ‘list’. Maybe a clipboard they
can scribble on or maybe a real list if they are reading. They walk the aisles
with you and get a sense of where everything is and then can find items ‘on
their own’ to put in the cart. I let them know up front we have to stick to our
list but can get a 1 or 2 ‘off the list’ items as long as it is something that
will feed all of them or that they all agree on AND is on sale! So as they are
scouting out ‘on the list’ items, they are working out which ‘off the list’
items they might want and weighing out each option. In the bulk section, when
they are old enough, they can help scoop items into each container we bring
along. One kid likes to be the ‘yellow sticker getter’ and another likes to
write the PLU code on it. We all visit ALL the sample stations in the store per
the kid’s request! That helps to calm some antsy energy. I also like to grab a
container of berries or a bag of apples (which has a barcode and doesn’t need
proper weight when scanned) and that is also a snack for the littles ones as we
go along.
Generally once the kids are about 9 or 10 and older, and
have been going with me since the beginning, then I give them half the list.
They get a cart and go shopping. They
LOVE the independence and I love the help. They will come back and report which
items on the list are not on sale and what the weight per pound is when
comparing two different brands. In this way they are gaining valuable shopping
skills that will be with them for their lifetime.
At the checkout we often find a familiar cashier who is very
friendly and patient with kids (hello Michelle!) and the kids help to unload
the cart. We pick out a simple lunch (often just ingredients for PB and J or
other sandwich, to save some more money, but we will also sometimes get soup or
a pre-made sandwich) and while checking out the older kids head to the café to
find us seats and even set the table!
After lunch we use our tokens (from bringing our own bags) and the kids
all get to choose which agency to donate their token to that day.
Of course there is bickering along the way. My kids are no
than any others. There are meltdowns and tantrums. And sometimes
there are not. But they know that each
Wednesday this is our routine. And in the end, they make out pretty darn well
with a cart (or two!) filled with healthy, yummy food from our local food cooperative
that feeds us until the next shopping trip!
Happy shopping (with the kids)!
what an excellent way to learn and prepare the children
ReplyDeletefor the future..You are a great Mother, teacher...
Miss you guys! Yes, sometimes I am totally prepared and challenge them in the store with lists and adding and meal plans. But more often I am scattered and crazy and there's begging and I am tired of reading every label for wheat and corn and, now also dairy, ingredients!!! Thanks for inspiring me to do better. You lift me up. Gonna get some new summer cookbooks at the library for them to go through. Talk soon. And check out our last blog post on the Adventure page. I think you are gonna relate. S.